Deluxe triple cheese burgers

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Recipe by: ben-ali

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1 1/2 lb Ground Beef
1/4 c Bread Crumbs; Dry
1/4 c Onion; Finely Chopped, 1 sm.
1 ea Egg; Large
1 ts Salt
1 ts Worcestershire Sauce
1/2 ts Basil Leaves
1/4 ts Pepper
1/8 ts Garlic Salt
6 tb Creamed Cottage Cheese
1/4 c Parmesan Cheese; Grated
8 oz Tomato Sauce; 1 cn
6 ea Cheese Slices; *

* You can use either Mozzarella or Swiss cheese slices. Each slice
should be 3 X 3 inches square.
~----------------- Mix the meat, bread crumbs, onion, egg and
seasonings together. Shape the mixture into 12 thin patties, each
about 4-inches in diameter. Top each of 6 patties with 1 Tbls of the
cottage cheese, spreading to within 1/2-inch of the edge, sprinkle on
2 tsp of the Parmesan cheese, and top each patty with one of the
remaining patties sealing the edges firmly. Brown the patties in a
large skillet over medium-high heat, turning once. Drain off the fat
and pour the tomato sauce over the patties. Cover and simmer for
about 15 minutes. Place a cheese slice on each patty, cover, and
heat until the cheese is melted, about 2 minutes. Serve with the
remaining sauce in the skillet poured over them.

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