Prawns in garlic sauce (shrimp)

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Recipe by: ceye

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Preparation Time:
20 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

Prawns 500-700 gms. Ginger, ground ¼ tsp. Egg white 1 no. Cornflour 1½ tsp. Oil 5 tbsp. Salt 1½ tsp. For Sauce Chili Sauce 2 tbsps. Tomato Puree 3 tbsps. Soya Sauce 1½ tbsp. Cornflour, blended with water 2 tbsp. Garlic 4 cloves Chicken stock 2 tbsp. Dry sherry 2 tbsp. Vinegar 2 tsp.

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1. Clean and cut the prawns into half. Rub the prawns with salt and ginger and keep aside for 15-20 minutes.2. Make a batter out of egg white and cornflour and coat the prawns with it. 3. Prepare the sauce by heating together the chili sauce, puree, soya sauce, sherry, vinegar and chicken stock.4. When the mixture boils add the cornflour mixture and stir till sauce thickens.5. Heat the oil and fry the prawns. Heat the sauce and stir in the prawns.6. Let the sauce come to a boil before serving.

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