'two of each" soup

"Discover how to cook this soup recipe. Soup recipe for free. Delicious healthy recipe. Soup recipe, cooking tips and food recipe. Easy and quick soup recipe!"
Recipe by: nohlan

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

This recipe originally appeared in Bon Appetit as "One of Each Soup", I doubled all of the ingredients to come up with my version of "Two of each Soup" for Twinsday! Tastes great - you'd never guess the soup ingredients. 2 tbsp. butter
2 onions, chopped
2 apples, peeled, diced
2 celery stalks, chopped
2 tsp. curry powder or to taste
2 c. half half
2 bananas, peeled diced
4 c. chicken stock
1/2 tsp. salt
Lemon slices or melon balls or sour

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

Melt butter in large saucepan over medium high heat. Add onion, apples, bananas, and celery. Then add chicken stock, curry, and salt. Reduce heat, cover and simmer 30 minutes. Stir occasionally. Puree in blender or processor. Chill thoroughly. At serving time, blend in half and half, turn soup into chilled tureen, garnish with lemon slices or melon balls. May also be served hot (add half and half at the very end), right after blending, serve immediately, garnish with sour cream dollop.

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