Chinese pasta salad with creamy ginger dressing

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Recipe by: arista

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1 lb Precooked Shanghai noodles
1/2 lb Snow peas
2 tb Coriander, chopped
1 tb Oil
1 ea Dash sesame oil for noodles
1/2 lb Shrimp, shelled deveined
2 tb Scallions, minced

----------------------SHRIMP MARINADE---------------------------
1 ts Salt
1/2 ts Chinese cooking wine
1/4 ts White Pepper

3 tb Fresh ginger, grated
1 ea Egg yolk
2 ts Lemon juice
1 1/2 ts Soy sauce
1 tb Cream
1 ea Small garlic clove, crushed
1 ts Egg white
2/3 c Vegetable oil (not olive)
2 1/2 tb Sesame oil

Mix the marinade ingredients in a small bowl and add shrimp. Blanch
the noodles, rinse under cool water and sprinkle with sesame seed
oil, toss, and set aside. (You may want to trim noodles with scissors
to about 4 inches in length, to make serving easier.) Blanch whole
snow peas and set aside. Heat wok, add 1 tablespoon oil, when oil is
hot, add shrimp and stir-fry until pink. Set aside.

DRESSING: In a blender or food processor, mix ginger, garlic, egg
yolk, egg white, and lemon. Slowly drizzle in oil. Mix in soy and
cream. Set aside. Toss noodles, shrimps, and snow peas. Mix in
dressing to tastee. Garnish with scallions and coriander. Serve at
room temperature.

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