Preserved grape vine leaves

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

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Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:


Pick leaves early in their growth period, that is early summer, when
vines are covered with leaves.

Choose leaves of medium light colour, not too young. If vines have
been sprayed, wait for period recommended for general harvest by
manufacturer of insecticide. When picking, snip off stem.

Wash leaves and stack in piles of 24, with shiny side up. Roll up
and tie with string.

Bring 8 cups water to the boil with 1/4 cup salt. Drop in 4 bundles
at a time, return to the boil and blanch for 3 minutes, turning rolls
over to blanch evenly. Lift out and drain. Repeat with remaining

Make a brine with 8 cups water boiled with 1 cup rock salt.

Pack rolls upright into warm sterilized jars and pour hot brine over
leaves. Remove air bubbles and seal when cold.

Brine is sufficient for 20 bundles of leaves. Increase accordingly to
quantity being preserved.

From: "The Complete Middle East Cookbook" by Tess
ISBN: 1 86302 069 1

Typed for you by Karen Mintzias

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